On sale

$12.00 $8.00
500 ml bottle. Coratina varietal extra virgin olive oil. The hints of cut grass jump to the nose as soon as the bottle is opened accompanied by a fresco artichoke smell. The taste is harmonious and pleasantly balanced are the bitter and spicy, still note of artichoke and bitter almond finish. The sensory profile of the coratina respected...
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Minimum quantity for "Extra virgin olive oil DOP Dauno Subappennino" is 3.

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$1.00 $0.99
[900,000 SHU] Ready to talk about record winning products? Dorset Naga chili was the holder of the world's spiciest chili record in 2006. It was developed by Michael and Joy Michaud. Brother of Naga Morich but with an edge!
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[900.000 SHU][C. Chinense] Congratulations on your choice of 7 Pot White! This variety from Chaguanas is renowed for its ability to spice up up to 7 pots of stew. Not bad! Don't be fooled by the pale colour.
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$3.80 $3.50
  Artisanal biscuits made with wholemeal stone flour from Mallorca, eggs, raw cane sugar, honey, sunflower oil, cinnamon, organic natural yeast. package 250gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Honey biscuits" is 1.

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$3.80 $3.50
Artisanal biscuits made with stone-ground Mallorcan wholemeal flour, raw cane sugar, eggs, butter, cinnamon, bitter cocoa, grated orange peel, organic natural yeas   package 250gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Cinnamon cookies" is 1.

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$3.80 $3.50
Artisanal biscuits made with wholemeal stone flour from Mallorca, eggs, sunflower oil, raw cane sugar, butter, lemon juice and zest, icing sugar, organic natural yeast.   package 300gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Lemon Treats" is 1.

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$4.00 $3.70
Artisan vegan biscuits made with stone-ground wholemeal Mallorcan flour, raw cane sugar, extra virgin olive oil, wine, dehydrated ginger, ginger root, Chia seeds, organic natural yeast Package 250gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Vegan ginger and chia seed pastries" is 1.

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$4.00 $3.70
  Artisan biscuits made with organic stone-ground timilìa flour, white wine, raw cane sugar, extra virgin olive oil, cinnamon, orange and tangerine peel, creamy tartar yeast, ammonium bicarbonate Package 350gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Vegan Jagged Timilia with citrus fruits" is 1.

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$4.00 $3.70
Artisan biscuits made with organic stone-ground timilìa flour, white wine, raw cane sugar, extra virgin olive oil, cinnamon, cream-tartar yeast, vanilla, ammonium bicarbonate Package 350gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Jagged vegan Timilia with vanilla" is 1.

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$2.70 $2.40
Whole wheat crackers made with Timilìa organic wholemeal stone-ground flour, Mallorca organic wholemeal stone-ground flour, salt, extra virgin olive oil, brewer's yeast. Package 200gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Whole wheat crackers" is 1.

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$2.70 $2.40
Whole wheat crackers made with Timilìa organic wholemeal stone-ground flour, Mallorca organic wholemeal stone-ground flour, salt, extra virgin olive oil, beer yeast, turmeric. Package 150gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Whole wheat crackers with turmeric" is 1.

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$2.70 $2.40
Crackers made with organic wholemeal Timilìa stone-ground flour, organic Majorcan wholemeal stone-ground flour, salt, extra virgin olive oil, beer yeast, rosemary. Package 150gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Whole wheat crackers with rosemary" is 1.

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$1.00 $0.99
[800,000 SHU] This chilli is a very respected one: of Indian origin, particularly coming from the hills of Nagaland, his nuclear spiciness that has been patented by the state of Nagaland! Ever heard of that one?
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$1.00 $0.99
[325,000 SHU] [F2 hybrid] You must be already familiar with Fatalii, a chilli from the Habanero family of Caribbean origins. Later imported into Africa and the rest of the world. It's a very spicy variety, with an intense and exotic aroma. It has been loved and used in Italy for a long time. The small plant likes full sun and it is easy to look after.
In stock

$1.00 $0.99
[325,000 SHU] You must be already familiar with Fatalii, a chilli from the Habanero family of Caribbean origins. Later imported into Africa and the rest of the world. It's a very spicy variety, with an intense and exotic aroma. It has been loved and used in Italy for a long time. The small plant likes full sun and it is easy to look after.  
In stock

$1.00 $0.99
[250,000 SHU] To be handled with care! Very spicy! Habanero Chocolate (also known as Black Congo) is a very spicy chili variety originating in Jamaica. It stands out from other varieties for its noticeable aromatic note of chocolate. This is one of the most appreciated chillies, both for its colour and aroma, which blends well with many of our...
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$1.00 $0.99
[250,000 SHU] To be handled with care! Very spicy! Habanero Orange is a small and orange-coloured variety originating in Mexico.
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$1.00 $0.99
[250,000 SHU] To be handled with care! Very spicy! Habanero Orange is a small and yellow-coloured variety originating in Texas, United States.
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$1.00 $0.99
[250,000 SHU] If you are not yet familiar with this chilli, you’ll be surprised to find out that White Giant Habanero is a fruity yet very spicy variety. Originated in South America, probably Havana, Cuba capital city. Its white-ivory colour makes it quite an elegant addition to any dish. Its taste is bold and fruity.
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$1.00 $0.99
[250,000 SHU] Unlike other habanero varieties, White Bullet is native to Peru and very rare to find. These peppers grow on a small plant that does not exceed 70 cm in height. The fruit is also small and once ripe it is cream-white.

$1.00 $0.99
[250,000 SHU] Habanero Mustard is a very famous Capsicum Chinense lantern-shaped, wrinkled. Its colour is initially green, to change to mustard-amber when reaching full ripeness.
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$3.20 $2.00
La farina Biologica di Ceci Molita a Pietra è ottenuta dalla molitura di ceci sultano siciliano selezionato.La molitura a pietra non riscalda il prodotto conservandone profumo e sapori.
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$4.00 $3.00
Organic Timilia (Tumminia) Wholemeal Flour Molita a Pietra 1kg is durum wheat grown since the Middle Ages from an agronomic point of view it behaves different from other grains, 120 days are enough from sowing for the collection and it does not need the winter cold, such feature allowed to recover in rainy years when sowing had not been possible, to...
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Minimum quantity for "Timilia (Tumminia) organic flour stone milled" is 1.

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$4.00 $3.00
Farina Biologica di Maiorca Molita a Pietra 1kg
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Minimum quantity for "organic stone-ground Majorcan flour" is 1.

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$4.00 $3.00
Farina Bio Perciasacchi (strazzasacchi) Molita a Pietra 1kg
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Minimum quantity for "Organic perciasacchi flour" is 1.

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$6.50 $6.00
Vermentino in purezza ,coltivato sulle colline apuane ,fra il marmo bianco ed il mare ,vinificato in acciaio inox a tempersatura controllata ,molto profumato ,sapido , buona acidita' , minerale .
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Minimum quantity for "BEATRICE" is 30.

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$6.50 $6.00
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Minimum quantity for "KAR RHA" is 30.

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$8.00 $6.00
La nostra farina di canapa è ricavata dalla macinatura in mulino a pietra dei semi di  canapa sativa  coltivati a chilometro 0. La farina di canapa contiene elementi benefici per il nostro organismo. Inoltre, è una farina  glutenfree .   Ideale per pane, pizza, rustici, dolci e pasta fresca fatta in casa. Dona agli impasti un leggero gusto...
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$12.00 $8.00
La nostra  farina di carrube  è ricavata dalla macinatura in  mulino a pietra  dei baccelli di  Carrube . Questa farina contiene elementi benefici per il nostro organismo ed è una farina Gluten-Free. Le sue proprietà nutrizionali la rendono un alleato contro tosse, influenza e osteoporosi, dolore, allergie e virus. È indicata soprattutto per i...
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$11.00 $7.00
  La nostra  farina di semi di zucca  è ricavata dalla macinatura in  mulino a pietra  dei semi di  zucca   disoleati .   Questa farina contiene elementi benefici per il nostro organismo ed è una farina   Gluten-Free.   I semi di zucca sono un potente alleato contro diversi disturbi legati alla sfera urologica: tradizionalmente       vengono...
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$60.00 $55.00
5 liters can. Extra virgin olive oil obtained from a skilful combination of Coratina and Rotondella variety of olives. Plants that carry with them years and years of history. The hints of cut grass jump to the nose as soon as the package is opened accompanied by a fresh smell of artichoke. The taste is harmonious and the bitter and spicy of...
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Minimum quantity for "Extra Virgin Olive Oil, from Daunia, Puglia, South East of Italy" is 1.

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$3.50 $3.00
Specialiotà alimentare a base di semola di grano duro siciliano e farina di semi di canapa al 6%. Trafilata al brponzo, essiccata lentamente e confezionata artigianalmente. Tuee le materie priem sono coltivate e lavorate in Sicilia. Confezione da 500 gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Pasta di semola con farina di semi di canapa al 6%, tipo "Casarecce"" is 4.

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$9.00 $7.00
Salvia coerulea erba officinalis
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Minimum quantity for "Salvia fresca" is 1.

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$12.50 $12.00
Il nostro Olio è un Extravergine di Oliva delle colline Toscane ad Indicazione Geografica Protetta (IGP). La disponibilità dei nostri prodotti va dalle bottiglie etichettate in formato 500ml e 750ml, a quello sfuso in lattine da 3L e da 5L.
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Minimum quantity for "Olio Extravergine di oliva 2021" is 6.

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$18.00 $16.00
Il nostro Olio è un Extravergine di Oliva delle colline Toscane ad Indicazione Geografica Protetta (IGP). La disponibilità dei nostri prodotti va dalle bottiglie etichettate in formato 500ml e 750ml, a quello sfuso in lattine da 3L e da 5L.
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Minimum quantity for "Olio Extravergine di oliva 2021 IGP PORTO bottiglie 750ml" is 6.

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$75.00 $70.00
Vendita di Olio Extravergine di oliva Toscano sfuso, dell'Azienda Agricola PORTO delle colline senesi, in lattine da 3L e 5L. Il prezzo indicato è relativo alla lattina da 5L, mentre per quella da 3L il prezzo è di €40,00. Disponibile anche Olio Extravergine di oliva certificato IGP nei formati in bottiglia da 500ml (€12,00) e bottiglia da 750ml...
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Minimum quantity for "Olio Extravergine di oliva 2021 PORTO" is 1.

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$1.50 $1.00
Vendo limoni assolutamente biologici, dal profumo inconfondibile e dalla polpa succosa, senza aggiunta di prodotti chimici, la natura fa il suo dovere! Ottimi per le tue tisane, per combattere le infiammazioni intestinali in modo naturale, per aromatizzare i tuoi dolci o per i liquori. Per informazioni più dettagliate scrive temi.
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Minimum quantity for "Limoni biologici madre in Sicily" is 5.

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$10.00 $8.00
Miele sardo da 500g.
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$3.80 $3.50
Artisan biscuits made with wholemeal stone flour from Mallorca, eggs, raw cane sugar, butter, orange juice and zest, icing sugar, organic natural yeast . package 300gr.
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Minimum quantity for "Orange pastries" is 1.

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$4.00 $3.70
Artisan vegan biscuits made with stone-ground Majorcan wholemeal flour, raw cane sugar, extra virgin olive oil, wine, orange juice and zest, cinnamon, organic natural yeast package 250gr.  
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Minimum quantity for "Vegan orange and cinnamon pastries" is 1.

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$35.00 $32.00
PASTE DI MANDORLA 1KG BISCOTTI DOLCI ALLE MANDORLE PRODOTTI TIPICI SICILIANI ETNA INGREDIENTI Mandorle Siciliane - zucchero - Albumi d'Uovo - Scorza di limone - vaniglia -zucchero Velo. INFORMAZIONI La pasta di mandorla è un impasto dolce e morbido tipicamente siciliano ed è uno dei dolci più rappresentativi della Sicilia orientale,...
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$12.00 $10.00
colomba pasqale da 600gr tradizionale
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Minimum quantity for "Colomba classica" is 1.

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Olio extra vergine d'oliva MonoCultivar Coratina. Fruttato verde intenso, ampio ed avvolgente ricco di sentori di foglia e carciofo cui si accompagnano eleganti note speziate. In bocca forti note vegetali di ortaggi a foglia su cui spicca mandorla fresca e cicoria di campo e retrogusto di cardo. Amaro e piccante decisi ed armonici.
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Olio extra vergine d'oliva MonoCultivar Coratina. Fruttato verde intenso, ampio ed avvolgente ricco di sentori di foglia e carciofo cui si accompagnano eleganti note speziate. In bocca forti note vegetali di ortaggi a foglia su cui spicca mandorla fresca e cicoria di campo e retrogusto di cardo. Amaro e piccante decisi ed armonici.
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$8.00 $6.80
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Ragù Napoletano" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Bolognese" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Broccoli e Salsiccia" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Patate" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Piselli e Pancetta" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Lardiata Napoletana" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Lardiata con pomodorini gialli" is 6.

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$11.00 $8.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Polpi alla Luciana" is 6.

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$11.00 $8.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Genovese di tonno" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Ortolana" is 6.

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$13.00 $10.00
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Polpette al sugo" is 6.

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$1.45 $1.00
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Pomodorino ciliegino" is 12.

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$2.50 $1.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Pelati San Marzano DOP" is 12.

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$7.50 $6.00
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Pestato Tarallo napoletano" is 6.

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$10.50 $9.00
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Pestato di Pomodori secchi" is 6.

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$11.50 $9.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Pestato di Carciofo" is 6.

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$11.00 $8.50
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Pesce spada e melanzane" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80

Prodotto 100% italiano

Senza conservanti

Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto al riparo dalla luce e fonti di calore. Una volta aperto conservare in frigorifero e consumare entro 5 giorni,

Prodotto pronto all'uso, riscaldare e condire.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Genovese" is 6.

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$8.00 $6.80

Prodotto 100% italiano

Senza conservanti

Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto al riparo dalla luce e fonti di calore. Una volta aperto conservare in frigorifero e consumare entro 5 giorni

Prodotto pronto all'uso, riscaldare e condire.

In stock

Minimum quantity for "Sugo Nerano" is 6.

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$1.20 $1.00
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Arance calabresi" is 20.

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