
Acquista online mandarini direttamente dalle migliori aziende agricole sul territorio italiano, benvenuto nel primo marketplace agroalimentare. Solo il meglio del made in Italy.
Ready to be picked and shipped fresh from the beginning of December. This type of mandarin is a cross between clementines and the tangelo orlando, this mix gives it its characteristic flavor: pleasantly balanced between sugars and acidity. The peel is an intense red orange color, beautiful smooth and of medium thickness, adhering to the pulp...
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Ciaculli’s Late Mandarins have been harvested and shipped fresh since January. The shape is reminiscent of a small sphere a little flattened and the skin is a beautiful intense orange, as well as being thin and fragrant, therefore very easy to remove to find the splendid orange pulp made up of small segments full of sweet juice. These mandarins are...
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Mandarins have been harvested and shipped fresh since February. This type of mandarin was born from the crossing of the "Fortune" mandarin and the "Havana" mandarin, created and patented by researchers from the CRA-ISAGRU of Acireale (CT). The shape is oblate with a thin skin, which allows easy removal of it. So you can eat it even outside the home...
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Tacle Mandarins have been harvested and shipped fresh since January. This type of mandarin was born from the cross between the Monreal Clementines and the Tarot Oranges. The advantages of this union are many starting from the sugary taste of the juice, abundant in the pulp in which not even a seed is present. The appearance is oblate with a full and...
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mandarino(citrus reticulata) dolcissimo e molto gustoso non trattati BIOLOGICI.mandarini siciliani freschi
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Minimum quantity for "mandarino (citrus reticulata)" is 1.

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Mandarini coltivati negli agrumeti di nostra proprietà nella zona di Librizzi provincia di MESSINA.   Solo dopo il vostro acquisto verranno raccolte e spedite,   per consentire a chiunque di assaporare un po’ di Sicilia, utilizzando il metodo della filiera corta (dal produttore al consumatore)
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1.20 1.00
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Minimum quantity for "Arance calabresi" is 20.

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Vendesi castagne fresche di Roccamonfina IGP di varie qualità "primitive, napoletane, mercogliane" al prezzo di 4 euro al kg escluso spese di spedizione.
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Minimum quantity for "Castagne IGP Roccamonfina" is 3.

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