Clementine fresche

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Primosole Clementines are harvested and shipped fresh from October. They are hybrid citrus fruits between mandarin and bitter orange, whose selection was made in 1980 by the University of Catania. Its shape is spherical-flattened, with a bright orange peel that is easy to remove, but it is the pulp that makes the difference. Rich in sweet juice and...
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Monreal Clementines are collected and shipped from the first days of November. They are hybrid citrus fruits of mandarin and orange and the name derives from the missionary friar Clemente Rodier who cultivated them in Algeria. Unlike mandarins, their ripening is earlier and they are more resistant to cold. These spherical and flattened fruits have...
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Clementine senza nessun trattamento bio 100%   Produzione propria piccole quantità prodotto naturale senza nessun trattamento   Made in Sicilia zona Messina    9 kg netti
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Vendesi castagne fresche di Roccamonfina IGP di varie qualità "primitive, napoletane, mercogliane" al prezzo di 4 euro al kg escluso spese di spedizione.
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Minimum quantity for "Castagne IGP Roccamonfina" is 3.

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