Arance per spremuta

Oranges with orange peel, but red pulp full of sweet juice. With an average small shape they are suitable for genuine tasty juices. Variety Oranges: Red Oranges Fruit Shape: Spherical Peel Color: Intense Orange Pulp juiciness: High Peel Surface: Rough Seeds in the Pulp: Few or Absent Peel Thickness: Coarse Total...
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Oranges with orange peel and pulp full of sweet juice. With an average small shape, they are suitable for genuine tasty juices Variety Oranges: Blonde Oranges Fruit Shape: Spherical Peel Color: Intense Orange Pulp juiciness: High Peel Surface: Rough Seeds in the Pulp : Few or Absent Peel Thickness: Coarse Total...
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1.20 1.00
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Minimum quantity for "Arance calabresi" is 20.

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Produzione nostra km0. Le  arance Rosse di Sicilia  sono tra le varietà più apprezzate dalla dieta mediterranea, grazie alle loro tipiche caratteristiche e grazie alle loro proprietà benefiche per il nostro organismo.La nostra coltivazione a km zero garantisce la qualità di un agrume, frutto dell'amore e della passione per la terra. Il prodotto si...
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Minimum quantity for "Arance Rosse di Sicilia" is 1.

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Vendesi castagne fresche di Roccamonfina IGP di varie qualità "primitive, napoletane, mercogliane" al prezzo di 4 euro al kg escluso spese di spedizione.
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Minimum quantity for "Castagne IGP Roccamonfina" is 3.

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