Arance Navel

Vendita online arance Navel, acquista direttamente dai migliori frutteti presenti sul territorio Italiano, solo il meglio del made in Italy.
Washington Navel Oranges have been collected and shipped since mid-November. They have this particular name because below it has a shape that resembles a navel (in English "navel"), which corresponds to a twin fruit that develops within the main fruit. The pulp is full of sweet juice and there is not even a seed inside, so you can eat it without...
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Navelina Oranges have been harvested and shipped fresh since mid-November. Orange with variable dimensions, from medium to very large. The thick, calloused skin is a beautiful intense orange, while the pulp is blond, completely seedless. When it is fully ripe it can be used to make jams, and you can be sure that they will be delicious. It can also...
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Naturali senza nessun trattamento, bio buccia edibile utilizzata in cucina liquori ecc   Made in Sicilia, zona Librizzi MESSINA , piccole quantità produzione propria   Agrumeto di famiglia, raccolti e spediti freschi   Spedizione 24/48 ore   19 KG
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1.20 1.00
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Minimum quantity for "Arance calabresi" is 20.

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Vendesi castagne fresche di Roccamonfina IGP di varie qualità "primitive, napoletane, mercogliane" al prezzo di 4 euro al kg escluso spese di spedizione.
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Minimum quantity for "Castagne IGP Roccamonfina" is 3.

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