Chili pepper

[100,000 SHU] [Capsicum C.] [F1] Big Chupetinho Peach seeds: world's first peach variety, summer 2018. The plant is 1 meter high and looks like a small branched tree. Fruits are larger than usual Chupetinho with superior spiciness as it has been crossed with a white bullet habanero. The flavor is delicate, slightly fruity. Recommended for people...
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[100,000 SHU] [F1] Discover the Big version of the Chupetinho Red! Pay attention to the difference in fruits, compared to the first version, this variety is larger, with a similar but not identical appearance, in fact it is more wrinkled.
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[100,000 SHU] Chupetinho is a variety of Brazilian chilli which takes its name from the characteristic of the fruit in the shape of a “pacifier or bottle”. The plant is part of the capsicum chinense family, the fruits ripen in about 120 days. The very compact plant can reach 50-65cm in height and 60-80cm in width with dark green ovoid leaves. Very...

[100,000 SHU] Chupetinho Red is a variety of Brazilian chilli, belonging to the capsicum chinense family, which takes its name from the characteristic of the fruit in the shape of a “pacifier or bottle”. The plant is widely used for ornamental use due to its compact shape which can reach 50-65 cm in height and 60-80cm in width. The flowers have...
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[SHU 100.000] Chupetinho White all-Italian novelty created by master Francesco Ippolito by crossing the red Chupertinho with the Habanero white Bullet which gives it a superior spiciness. The plant is compact and bushy, it can reach a meter in height, also excellent as an ornamental plant with fruits that are beautiful to look at and very tasty with...
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[100,000 SHU] Chupetinho is a variety of Brazilian chilli which takes its name from the characteristic of the fruit in the shape of a “pacifier or bottle”. The plant is part of the capsicum chinense family. Very compact, it can reach 50-65cm in height and 60-80cm in width with dark green ovoid leaves. Despite her petite stature she is very productive....
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[1,000,000 SHU] Black Panther, a rare variety developed by Chiliriot Pepper, is a hybrid created by crossing a Red Bhut Jolokia and Pimenta da Nayde. Very little is known about this hybrid except that the seller declares that it is an F4, that is an unstable fourth generation pepper, this year we will make the 5th generation selecting only the best...

[1.000.000 SHU] [Hybrid F4] Variant of the Black Panther Orange from ChilliRiot Pepper created by crossing the Pimenta pepper from Neyde and Bhut Jolokia Red. Very spicy, strong and fruity taste, the plant is of medium size, leaves ranging from green to black.

[40,000 SHU] [C. Chinense] Ajì charapita is one of the five species of Peruvian peppers and belongs to the genus Capsicum Chinense. It grows mainly in the Departementos of Ucayali, Loreto and Madre di Dios and is considered one of the hottest in Peru, due to its decidedly spicy taste due to the high content of capsaicin. The ajì charapita chilli is...

[1500 CHU] [C. Annuum] The Ancho grande is Mexico's favorite chili. Large (about 10cm long and 6cm wide) and triangular in shape, and the walls are thin with a flavor: rich, soft and slightly spicy. Ancho grande is widely used in Mexican gastronomy due to its particular taste. Not only in powder form or as a sauce, but also as an exquisite container...

[1,000,000 SHU] [C. Chinense] Big Yellow Mama chilli is the yellow color variant of Big Black Mama and Big Mustard Mama, all created by Troy Pimeaux (an American horticulturist and pepper grower). It is super spicy, in a really extreme way, like its brothers, but compared to them it has a more fruity flavor with citrus tones, like its smell. The Big...
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[1,200,000 SHU] [C.Chinense] Borg 9 chocolate is a brown variant (hence the reason for its name, "chocolate" in English means "chocolate" in Italian) of the Borg 9 chilli. The creator of this super spicy chilli with a very fruity and slightly floral and earthy flavor is Jon Harper, an experienced grower from the UK.
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