Chili pepper

£0.53 £0.53
[250,000 SHU] To be handled with care! Very spicy! Habanero Orange is a small and orange-coloured variety originating in Mexico.
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£0.53 £0.53
[250,000 SHU] To be handled with care! Very spicy! Habanero Orange is a small and yellow-coloured variety originating in Texas, United States.
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£0.53 £0.53
[250,000 SHU] If you are not yet familiar with this chilli, you’ll be surprised to find out that White Giant Habanero is a fruity yet very spicy variety. Originated in South America, probably Havana, Cuba capital city. Its white-ivory colour makes it quite an elegant addition to any dish. Its taste is bold and fruity.
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£0.53 £0.53
[250,000 SHU] Unlike other habanero varieties, White Bullet is native to Peru and very rare to find. These peppers grow on a small plant that does not exceed 70 cm in height. The fruit is also small and once ripe it is cream-white.

[250,000 SHU][C.Chinense] Are you after a new variety that few people are growing? Then you've found it! Started off in 2019, today it's possible to grow the famous habanero chilli in caramel colour.
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£0.53 £0.53
[250,000 SHU] Habanero Mustard is a very famous Capsicum Chinense lantern-shaped, wrinkled. Its colour is initially green, to change to mustard-amber when reaching full ripeness.
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[30,000 SHU] This is an interesting and rare variety of chilli. Black Pearl was developed in the laboratory and winner of the AAS Fiore award in 2006. Its plant is pretty and can give intense and warm tones to an environment if used to embellish a room. With a bushy and compact look, withBlack Pearl has bright green / black leaves and pearls-like fruits....
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[850,000 SHU] You have come across the pretty and peach coloured Bhut Jolokia Peach chilli. The plant can grow from 45 to 120 cm in height. Its germination times are similar to Habanero so you will need a little patience to see great results!
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[250,000 SHU] This is a very special chilli. Rocoto Red is a very resistent variety from Peru. Its genetic conformation makes a robust plant, which bears fruit at an altitude of 1500-2000 metres and can live for 15 years. Also, this vairety does not fear winter temperatures!

[200,000 SHU][F1][C. Chinense] What a wonderful choice! This collection of Pimenta da Neyde seeds really is a one-of-a-kind assortment, carefully created for the beauty of the plants and fruits. In this mix you will find: Pimenta da Neyde, Pimenta da Neyde Red, Pimenta da Neyde Yellow.
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[200,000 SHU][F1][C. Chinense] In this mix you will find Pimenta da Neyde All mix seeds and Pimenta Big Peach seeds. As the photo shows, Pimenta da Neyde all mix will produce red, yellow and black chillies. In addition, Pimenta da Neyde Big Peach will give you peach coloured chillies. The result will be a very prettu plant with assorted colours and lots...
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[200,000 SHU] This rather hot chillies named Pimenta de Neyde are a variety Capsicum Chinense crossed with a Capisicum Annuum of bizarre origin. These fruits are beautiful, with dark elongated shape, purple / black colour which is kept until the fruit is ripe.